Acorn Emotional Wellbeing

GDPR Privacy Statement

Here at Acorn we will need to keep some of your personal information. Please read through the following statement which explains a bit more about what we do with your personal information.

What we Need and Why…

We need to collect and keep your personal contact details such as name, date of birth, address and telephone and/or e-mail.
We need a named person to contact in case of emergency such as a parent if you are under 16, or partner or friend if you are an adult.
We would like to know which GP you are registered with and if there is any medical history that is relevant to the work we will be doing with you. It is also important for us to have this in case of medical emergency or other situation e.g. safeguarding, where we might need to share our work with other professionals such as GP, NHS mental health services or social care. We would always discuss sharing of information with you before we do it unless the urgency or risks suggest otherwise.
During the session we keep brief notes about the work we do and any rating questionnaires we have done together so that we can review progress made and keep us on track.
We will keep anonymised information which we will collate and analyse to help us to plan further development of our service provision.

How long we keep it…

We keep your counselling session notes for a period of five years, after which time they will be securely destroyed.
A brief overview of your contact with us and any contact details we have for you will be kept in case of re-referral.
The anonymised data will be kept for the life of the business, so we can review our own progress overtime and continue to help the business grow and evolve.

Who will we share your information with…

Your session content may be discussed in an anonymised way in counselling supervision for us to ensure we practice within our ethical framework. We would only share personal information if there is a significant risk of harm to yourself or others and in certain legal circumstances, details of which can be found on the BACP website.
Anonymised data such as demographics and geographical spread or referrals and outcome data will be shared with the relevant County Board and RFU so that we can review our service provision and develop a service that meets the need of our Rugby family.
If you do decide to come and see us we will ask you to sign a paper copy of this statement for our records, and answer any queries you may have about it.


Acorn Team

  Durham County RFC   Rugby Safe   Lancashire Rugby